4 Years in BCC, Marlene Cole looks ahead to the season opener with exuberant relish. "I'm not nervous about performing," she indicates as she is now a BCC veteran. Comfortable in her surroundings at BCC Central she proclaims herself a serious New England Patriots fan. "I'm excited to perform with Patrick Chung," she says while grinning from ear to ear.
But why is there no nervousness from this 17 year old Junior who will be performing in front of an audience of almost 1,000 people come November 4th? "Mister Trecek-King challenges you and makes you better, and I'm confident," Marlene tells us. "Seeing people's faces when we start singing makes it a great experience."
Old American Songs is a concert that will feature work from the likes of Copland but it's an Alice Parker number that is Marlene's favorite. "My favorite song is 'Hark, I hear'. I like it because it's different. It's folksy." Outside BCC, Marlene does not listen to a lot of classical music but can tell who is a good singer in the world of rock and pop. In preparing for concerts, she is kept busy with rehearsals and is constantly excited by reaching new people who may not have heard about BCC. "The best part is to excite multiple people who don't know about us.
The best thing about BCC? "The ability to express your voice. And the friendships."